Posts Tagged ‘rag’

Rag Rug

Well my dear blog reader, already I have failed you.  I promised a new post every week and last week I did not post.  I have no awesome excuse.   I have been riddled with guilt but alas, I just didn’t have anything new to post.  Was I not crafting?  Well not much.  Today I am back however and I apologize for my absence.

A couple of weeks ago my husband cleaned out his T-Shirt drawer.  When he does this it’s like Christmas for me.  I love love love to cut up t-shirts to make yarn.  Something about the thriftiness of it all thrills me.  What I end up with is a whole lot of t-shirt yarn and no project.  I decided to start with the least pleasing colors and make a rug.  Just to get a feel of the yarn and what it will look like when I work it up. 

It’s ugly, I know.  But it gets me going with other ideas.  Want to make your own rag yarn?  I was going to make a tutorial but it takes 2 hands to make this stuff and I’m not smart enough to figure out how to take photos at the same time.  Why would I repeat what others have done so well anyway?  So if you want to make your own t-shirt rag yarn (some people call it tarn…those people are crazy)  look at this tutorial by Craft Passion.  See how she made a basket at the end?  That’s what I’m going to do next with my pretty colors of tarn.

Here are a few more photos to inspire you.

What you need

What the yarn looks like

Close up on crochet